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Welcome to Wiki Sours, the SomethingAwful Political Cartoons thread wiki.


Glossary of Inside Jokes

Eric Allie: Amazing art and skill used to depict shitty right-wing drivel. Fairly young, and has also been doing the art for Prickly City, a right-wing newspaper cartoon by Scott Stantis. In 2015, he has basically stopped all national cartoons in order to whine about Illinois Speaker of the State House, Michael Madigan. Willfully dense.

Don Asmussen: The cartoonist behind Bad Reporter, a feature that usually consists of three gag headlines from recent events. Once upon a time it was actually hand drawn, but nowadays it's a series of decent photoshops. Regardless, it manages to routinely bring in solid jokes and Asmussen tends to be one of the more beloved cartoonists in this thread. It's worth noting that Asmussen is more politically themed gag strip than anything trying to make a serious point. However, when Asmussen does get partisan, he leans to the left.

Pat Bagley: Very liberal former-mormon who is merciless in his criticism of the Church of Latter Day Saints, the GOP, and conservatives in general. Local Hero.

Nate Beeler: Conservative, heavily influenced by Mike Ramirez. Every great once in a while has Correct Opinions, mostly on social issues. During the 2012 elections, was critical of the GOP, but seems to be settling back into being a shithead.

Darrin Bell: Moderately liberal cartoonist that really knocks it out of the park when he tries, but has a tendency to put out more middling stuff. Does the cartoon Candorville, which is also fairly political at times.

Steve Bell: Highly praised cartoonist from the UK. Has fantastic art and solid opinions, but like many long-time British cartoonists, it can be hard to understand his cartoons if you haven’t been following him. Has a painterly style with excellent caricatures.

Clay Bennett: Previously seen as one of the most well-respected, decorated, and acclaimed liberal political cartoonists, but the quality of his output has dropped off during the Trump administration. He has an amazing talent for simple, clear visual metaphors, but these days he too often falls into tepid burns on Trump.

Lisa Benson: Bland conservative opinions. Tries to be upsetting, but is mostly boring.

Paul Berge: Does LGBT cartoons for an LGBT syndicate. Nothing ground-shaking, but he consistently puts out decent cartoons with cute punchlines.

Chip BoK: Conservative with fairly poor and ugly artwork, ranging from moderate to extreme. Has no idea how net neutrality works.

Ruben Bolling: Well-respected liberal and thread favorite, publishes "Tom the Dancing Bug,” "Lucky Ducky," and “Donald and John”. Known for doing longform cartoons instead of one panel stuff.

Matt Bors:A protégé of Ted Rall who has come into his own in the last few years. Very liberal. 2012 Herblock Prize winner. Editor of the Nib, a collective of political cartoonists that was previously under Medium but now seems to be its own thing (but is still hosted on Medium…the internet is weird).

AF Branco: Hateful, stupid conservative. Draws people with one-tooth/Hitler-mustaches, although seems to have stopped this in recent years. A shill for a number of corporate interests like front groups for oil companies. "Winner" of our sixty-four person bracket for "worst cartoonist."

Ben Garrison: Originally billed as a libertarian, Garrison went all-in pandering to the alt-right during Trump's election. His cartoons are cluttered, overly labeled messes that portray his enemies as effeminate men and bitchy women and Donald Trump as a buff Adonis. He buys into every Deep State conspiracy theory and fills his work with antisemitic dogwhistles. Probably a closet furry.

Bob Gorrell: Lazy.

Stan Kelly

Henry Payne: One of the more boring working cartoonists, he can always be counted on to deliver the right-wing talking point of the day. His favorite composition is drawing a large car with ironic bumper stickers. He is also very fond of the argument that global warming can't be real because it's snowing.

Ted Rall: Far left shithead; wart survivor. Utterly incompetent artist and writer whose work resembles bad Simpsons fanart. Desperately needs to be the center of attention, he envisions himself as the leader of a socialist revolution. Hates art Spiegelman and sees him as some kind of Cartoon Kingpin keeping people out of the business. Comics were removed from the Daily KOS because they found his Obama caricature to be racist. The LA Times dropped after Rall supposedly lied about a rather mild encounter with LAPD in 2001. Now employed by Russian state media, which causes people to be suspicious of his cartoons even when he seems to make a valid point.

Michael Ramirez: Republican to the bone, and one of the biggest names in the business. Obsessed with drawing and endlessly crosshatching gigantic inanimate objects and labeling them DEBT. He is a two-time Pulizter Prize winner, to just about everyone's amazement. Drew Obama as a unrecognizable worm, and rarely ever draws Trump. Petty, trivial, and dumb, he will never respond with anything but GOP platitudes.

Ward Sutton

Ann Telnaes

Bruce Tinsley: Conservative alcoholic author of Mallard Fillmore. He (along with Stantis’s Prickly City) among those featured here in that his political cartoon is syndicated on the funny pages in almost every newspaper in America, between Garfield and Wizard of Id. Because of this, he has to submit his cartoons two weeks in advance and doesn’t bother to try and make sure his commentary will still be relevant by the time people read it. Attacks and viciously libels his personal enemies with his comics, such as calling Jon Stewart a pedophile and insulting the judge who gave Tinsley a DUI.

Gay Abortions