Michael Ramirez

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Ramirez is, depressingly, the face of American political cartooning. Part of this is because his career has effectively been astroturfed by Fox News and other right wing outlets, who invite him on to tell him how genius his scrawlings are. The other part is how hilariously bad he is at his job: he cannot draw to the point where even people he likes look like flesh monsters. His god-awful caricatures turn people both friend and foe into grotesque horrors better suited for some cheap Lovecraft knockoff comic. His Obama was so bad it was given the nickname "Wormbama" since he turned Obama's head in a weird tube. He also is terrible at visual metaphor, using crosshatching excessively as a crutch. He has a fondness for DEBT cartoons, and largely parrots the establishment Republican talking points. Somehow he has won the Pulitzer Prize twice, rendering the award meaningless for all winners both past, present, and future.
